A Tasty Treat (The Script For Mean Streak's Proof Of Concept)

Welcome back to this week’s blog about Mean Streak (A Fred&Dan feature screenplay). This week you’ll be hearing from Fred!

When we last left off Janette and I were in the throes of our Proof of Concept (POC) for the Mean Streak screenplay. As a refresher, we filmed this POC back in 2019 – a real minute ago I know. If you want to read more about it we’ve got past blogs all about it :). You all have made us realize we should really finish the damn thing. 

So Janette and I have given ourselves the deadline of Jan 26th to have the POC done to show you all for a blog post. Going through and making edits ourselves has been a real journey… I think we can all agree that hearing your voice played back is like your own personal nails on the chalkboard experience. 

As we like to bring you along the winding road of our projects, currently we are pairing down what we filmed all those years ago. In preparation for the Mean Streak POC drop we thought it would only be fitting to first show you the mini script we wrote specifically for this POC. It isn’t part of the Mean Streak script but a smaller script to capture the essence of the screenplay, the main characters Denise and Angel, and the plot. Here it is, enjoy!




2023 and Me (and You and Fred&Dan)